

“A portrait {or two} of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

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Izzy—Ready to get going for his first day of preschool, then exhausted after his first day of preschool.
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The first day was a success… in every way. Of course, I don’t know how he behaved while he was there. For all I know, he had a rough go of it… or perhaps he was socially unacceptable… maybe greedy with toys and not good about sharing??? But when I picked him up, he was in a delightful mood. When I asked him if he had fun at his first day of preschool, he replied, “Yehhhhhhhs!” So I believe him.

After such a difficult day for us all prior to his first day, I’m grateful to have had a bright and joyful one. His enthusiasm for this new chapter of life was contagious, and the perfect balm for the pain such a new chapter brought the day before.


Here are the couple of Izzy-isms I managed to write down from this past week….

{When I changed the radio station from Mr. B’s station to my classical station}
“Hey, we were watching rock and roll, but now I hear dumb girl music.”
“I think I’m gonna take a bath before preschool, because I don’t want the kids to smell stinky-stink.”

